5 CBD Gift Ideas for Father’s Day

Buying gifts for Dad is usually easy. Tie. Socks. Underwear. Yard accessories. Grill. That’s it, right?

But you’re not that daughter or son to buy some easy gift for your pops. You want to help him take care of himself by getting him something practical he can actually use that will provide value and that isn’t work-related like lawn equipment.

Thinking of it like that, what Dad doesn’t want more relaxation? Dad may actually need socks and underwear, so, by all means, get him some, but he could also use some relaxing, and that’s why we wanted to write this guide to help you decide what types of CBD oil for sale would be the best fit for your Dad. So here are our top CBD product gift ideas for your Dad this Father’s Day.

1. CBD Cooling Muscle Salve

older man cbd salve arm

The first suggestion on our list is a CBD salve. This is a rub-on topical your father will enjoy because he can simply select his sore spots and massage this topical on them, then lay back and enjoy the benefits. We especially like this CBD salve because it comes in a roll-on tube which makes it easier to dispense and rub on without getting your hands too oily.

If your dad has been complaining about joint, knee, low back, and other sorts of pain, a topical CBD salve may be just the thing needs. The other nice thing about CBD topicals is that it is a simple entrance for taking CBD as some fathers may have never tried a hemp product before… or at least since the ’80s, amirite!?

If your dad is active, enjoys sports, or doing things outside which may make him sore, this CBD salve would be a great option for him.

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2. Hemp-Derived CBD Softgels

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Softgels are the next thing on our list because they are really easy and quick to take. If your dad would prefer a quick ingesting method with full-body effects, edibles like CBD soft gels are a great option. There is no messing with oils or anything, and it can be taken quickly in the morning, afternoon, or evening.

Due to CBD soft gels being taken orally, they are digested by our body and thus the effects can be felt throughout the entire body compared to a CBD topical which effects will only be noticed in the area it is rubbed on. So if your dad likes supplements to help him relax which are quick and painless to take, CBD soft gels may be a good route to go. Here is our favorite.

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3. CBG Oil

cbg oil tincture

Our next suggestion for Father’s Day gift ideas isn’t cannabidiol related, but cannabigerol (CBG). Have you heard of CBG yet? Many are saying it is the “new” CBD, as research studies and cannabis labs like Cresco Labs are saying things like

“CBG works to fight inflammation, pain, nausea and works to slow the proliferation of cancer cells. Research has shown it also significantly reduces intraocular eye pressure caused by glaucoma. Strains high in CBG will be beneficial in treating conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, and cancer.”

So, maybe your dad has already tried CBD and likes it, but is canna-curious and wants to test out other cannabinoids. If that is your dad, this would be a great fit.

Here is our source.

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4. THC Free CBD oil

hemp oil care cbd tincture

If your dad is really nervous about taking a hemp product or maybe is subject to drug testing because of work or other, a THC free CBD tincture would be a good option as a starter. This way he can rest assured he won’t fail a drug test and can thus actually enjoy some relaxation.

Make sure to view the lab results on the product page of whatever product you choose to ensure that product is actually THC free. You could even include that into the gift to prove to him it is free of THC. The legal limit for THC in CBD products is .3% and thus marginal enough to where he won’t get high, but regardless, if you know he’s going to want THC free no matter what lab test you show him, this is a good option.

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5. CBD Gummies

wyld cbd gummies

CBD Gummies are a fun and easy way to take CBD. If your dad is easy going and would enjoy a gummy to help him relax, this is a great option for him as gummies come in many various sizes and flavors. Also, who wouldn’t look forward to a nice treat like this to relax! Edibles like CBD gummies are another great option as an introductory into CBD products since they’re strong enough, but not too strong.

For our favorite gummies, see here.

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So those are our best Father’s Day cannabinoid gift ideas. Let us know what you think or if you’d like to ask us some more questions to find your dad the right gift, contact us today and we’ll gladly help.